As our patients already know, Urban Peaks Rehab has a unique set of core values that set us apart from other clinics in the area. Priority one has always been doing what is best for our patients. A close second and equally close to our hearts is our community outreach initiatives. We had the opportunity to sit down with Ruth Kanatser, the Syringe Access Director and Senior Health Educator, and Teresa Hogan, the Community Outreach Director and Volunteer Director. They helped to educate us about HRAC’s services, clients, and opportunities they offer to them in regards to treatment, counseling, and other resources. After meeting these two amazing women, and seeing how critical this incredible organizations work is for our community. Urban Peaks Rehab hosted a supply drive to benefit the Harm Reduction Action Center!


Since 2002, The Harm Reduction Action Center has committed itself to serving Colorado’s public health by working to reduce the harms associated with drug use.  This organization has provided direct services that curb the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C, and accidental overdoses among people who inject drugs. The Harm Reduction Action Center also works closely with lawmakers, healthcare providers, law enforcement, and the general community towards a common vision of a healthy and safe Colorado. We were able to raise $600.00 through a GoFundMe, in addition to supplies dropped off at our clinic location. To everyone who donated through our GoFundMe or directly through our clinic, we wish to say thank you. Through your generosity we were able to raise a substantial amount to benefit HRAC and the Denver community. To give you a glimpse of what you helped make possible, we were able to donate…


  • 243 Toothbrushes
  • 209 Tubes of Toothpaste
  • 126 Units of Dental Floss
  • 388 Pairs of Hand/Feet Warmers
  • 20 Bottles of Hand Lotion
  • And much more!!!!



We look forward to participating and partnering with this crucial community program in the future to help reduce harm and increase accessibility to those who are looking for treatment.